On Friday and Saturday the temperatures were too cold to work as the paint we had required a minimum temperature of 10 degrees centigrade before it could be applied.
Sunday and Monday were a few degrees warmer and the steel sides of the hull were warmed above the Dew Point, this allowed the paint to be applied without water condensation forming on the surface of the hull.
Sunday morning, and after a coffee the first job was to sand the left stern section and then the right hull from the mid-line back to the propeller with a 7” 40 grit sanding disc, to remove the residue of bitumen and then wire brush the sides to remove any rust and bitumen from various welds and pock marks along the hull sides.
Next, the area around the anodes was painted with a ‘2 pack’ grey etching primer to give more protection to the stern left and right sides. After the anodes had been removed the remainder was finished in 2 coats of black paint as a primer surfacer, to be followed by bitumen as a top coat after the base plate had been cleaned.

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